Howard Hawks, the director of His Girl Friday, once said that "A good movie is three good scenes and no bad scenes." And in this modern-day era where a lot of our best media and ideas can be summed up with a short YouTube clip, this kind of ideology becomes important to know and harness. I mean, of course bigger and more ambitious filmmakers would rip their clothes off and set themselves on fire at the very thought of reducing their movie into three good scenes, a bunch of filler, and nothing else; otherwise, the formula would definitely prove interesting to test and know. One of the best movies I know that adheres to this formula well is School of Rock, and boy, does that adherence pay off in a splendid, precisely written movie that, in any other circumstance, would not work at all, but in this case, created this gem of a movie that seems to transcend time more and more as the years go by. School of Rock is a 2003 rock comedy directed by Richard Linklater and starring...